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Version: 3.13

Upgrading RabbitMQ


This guide covers topics related to RabbitMQ installation upgrades.

  1. An overview of several common approaches to upgrading RabbitMQ
  2. RabbitMQ version upgradability: explains what versions or series can be upgraded to what later series
  3. Erlang version requirement
  4. Plugin compatibility between versions
  5. Features that do not support in-place upgrade
  6. Changes in system resource usage and reporting in the new version
  7. How upgrades of multi-node clusters is different from those with only a single node
  8. Marking nodes for maintenance
  9. Recommended upgrade steps
  10. Caveats
  11. Handling node restarts in applications

See Release Information to find out what RabbitMQ release series are supported. Release notes of individual releases are published on GitHub.

Important Note on Upgrading to 3.12 and 3.13


RabbitMQ 3.12 requires all previously existing feature flags to be enabled before the upgrade.

The upgrade will fail if you miss this step.


There are two major upgrade scenarios that are covered in this guide: a single node and a cluster, as well as several most commonly used strategies:

  • In-place upgrade where each node is upgraded with its existing on disk data
  • Blue-green deployment where a new cluster is created and existing data is migrated to it
  • A grow-then-shrink approach where one or more new nodes are added to the cluster, then the old nodes are eventually removed

Below is a brief overview of the common strategies. The rest of the guide covers each strategy in more detail.

The RabbitMQ version upgradability section explains what versions or series can be upgraded to what later series.

In-place Upgrades


This upgrade strategy is recommended

An in-place upgrade usually involves the following steps performed by a deployment tool or manually by an operator. Each step is covered in more detail later in this guide. An intentionally oversimplified list of steps would include:

Rolling upgrades between certain versions are not supported. Full Stop Upgrades and the Blue/Green deployment upgrade strategy cover the two options available for those cases.

Blue-Green Deployment Upgrades


This upgrade strategy is the safest option. It is recommended for environments where a rolling in-place upgrade is not an option for any reason, or extra safety is particularly important

The Blue/Green deployment strategy offers the benefit of making the upgrade process safer at the cost of temporary increasing infrastructure footprint. The safety aspect comes from the fact that the operator can abort an upgrade by switching applications back to the existing cluster.

Grow-then-Shrink Upgrades


This upgrade strategy changes replica identities, can result in massive unnecessary data transfers between nodes, and is only safe with important precautions. Therefore, it is highly recommended against.

A grow-and-shrink upgrade usually involves the following steps. Consider a three node cluster with nodes A, B, and C:

  • Add a new node, node D, to the cluster
  • Place a new replica of every quorum queue and every stream to the new node using commands such as rabbitmq-queues grow
  • Check that the cluster is in a good state: no alarms are in effect, no ongoing queue or stream replica sync operations and the system is otherwise under a reasonable load
  • Remove node A from the cluster using rabbitmqctl forget_cluster_node
  • Add a new node, node E, to the cluster
  • Place a new replica of every quorum queue and every stream to the new node using commands such as rabbitmq-queues grow
  • Check that the cluster is in a good state
  • Remove node B from the cluster using rabbitmqctl forget_cluster_node
  • and so on

Multiple nodes can be added and removed at a time.

Similarly to rolling upgrades, grow-and-shrink upgrades between certain versions are not supported. Full Stop Upgrades and the Blue/Green deployment upgrade strategy cover the two options available for those cases.

RabbitMQ Version Upgradability

All versions starting with 3.7.27 support rolling upgrades to compatible later versions using feature flags.

A full cluster stop may be required for feature version upgrades but such cases are rare in modern release series thanks to feature flags.


As a rule of thumb, upgrade to the latest patch release in the target series, and then enable all stable feature flags after all cluster nodes have been upgraded.


When an upgrade jumps multiple release series (e.g. goes from 3.9.x to 3.13.x), it may be necessary to perform one or more intermediate upgrades first.

For each intermediary upgrade, upgrade to the latest patch release in the target series, and then enable all stable feature flags after all cluster nodes have been upgraded.

When an upgrade jumps multiple release series (e.g. goes from 3.9.x to 3.13.x), it may be necessary to perform one or more intermediate upgrades first. For each intermediary upgrade, upgrade to the latest patch release in the target series, and then enable all stable feature flags after all cluster nodes have been upgraded.

For example, when upgrading from 3.9.x to 3.13.x, it would be necessary to

  1. First upgrade to the latest 3.10.x patch release
  2. Then to the latest patch release of 3.11.x
  3. Then to the latest patch release of 3.12.x
  4. Finally, upgrade to the latest release in the 3.13.x

Don't forget to enable all stable feature flags every step of the process or the follow step may fail because some feature flags have graduated (became mandatory).

Or consider a The Blue/Green deployment upgrade in one go.

Release Series Upgradeability with Rolling Upgrades

Current release series upgrade compatibility with rolling upgrade:

3.12.x3.13.x feature flags must be enabled before the upgrade
3.10.x3.11.xSome feature flags must be enabled before the upgrade

Release Series Upgradeability with Full Stop Upgrades

Current release series upgrade compatibility with full stop upgrade:

3.12.x3.13.x feature flags should be enabled before this upgrade
3.10.x3.11.xSome feature flags should be enabled before this upgrade
=< 3.4.x3.6.16

Erlang Version Requirements

We recommend that you upgrade Erlang together with RabbitMQ. Please refer to the Erlang Version Requirements guide.

Features that Do Not Support In-place Upgrades

Priority queue on disk data currently cannot be migrated in place between 3.6 and any later series. If an upgrade is performed in place, such queues would start empty (without any messages) after node restart.

To migrate an environment with priority queues and preserve their content (messages), a blue-green upgrade strategy should be used.

Plugin Compatibility Between Versions

Unless otherwise specified in release notes, RabbitMQ plugin API introduces no breaking changes within a release series (e.g. between 3.12.5 and 3.12.13). If upgrading to a new minor or major version (e.g. 3.13.2), plugin must be upgraded to their versions that support the new RabbitMQ version series.

In rare cases patch versions of RabbitMQ can break some plugin APIs. Such cases will be documented in the breaking changes section of the release notes document.

Community plugins page contains information on RabbitMQ version support for plugins not included into the RabbitMQ distribution.

Management Plugin Upgrades

RabbitMQ management plugin comes with a Web application that runs in the browser.

After upgrading a cluster, it is highly recommended to clear browser cache, local storage, session storage and cookies for the domain(s) used to access the management UI.

Discontinued Plugins

Sometimes a new feature release drops a plugin or multiple plugins from the distribution. For example, rabbitmq_management_visualiser no longer ships with RabbitMQ as of 3.7.0. Such plugins must be disabled before the upgrade. A node that has a missing plugin enabled will fail to start.

Changes in System Resource Usage and Reporting

Different versions of RabbitMQ can have different resource usage. That should be taken into account before upgrading: make sure there's enough capacity to run the workload with the new version. Always consult with the release notes of all versions between the one currently deployed and the target one in order to find out about changes which could impact your workload and resource usage.

Single Node and Cluster Upgrades

Upgrading a Single Node Installation

Upgrading single node installation is similar to upgrading clusters. Feature flags should be enabled after each upgrade (it's always a good idea to double-check by enabling them before the next upgrade as well - if they are already enabled, it will just do nothing). You should also follow the upgrade compatibility matrix.

Client (application) connections will be dropped when the node stops. Applications need to be prepared to handle this and reconnect.

With some distributions (e.g. the generic binary UNIX) you can install a newer version of RabbitMQ without removing or replacing the old one, which can make upgrade faster. You should make sure the new version uses the same data directory.

RabbitMQ does not support downgrades; it's strongly advised to back node's data directory up before upgrading.

Single node deployments are often local development or test environments. In such cases, if the upgrade involves jumping multiple release series (eg. from 3.8.15 to 3.13.2), it's easier to simply delete everything in the data directory and go directly to the desired version. Effectively, it's no longer an upgrade but a fresh installation of the new version. Please note that this process will delete all data in your RabbitMQ (definitions and messages), but this is usually not a problem in a developement/test environment. The definitions can be preserved using export/import.

Upgrading Multiple Nodes

Depending on what versions are involved in an upgrade, RabbitMQ cluster may provide an opportunity to perform upgrades without cluster downtime using a procedure known as rolling upgrade. A rolling upgrade is when nodes are stopped, upgraded and restarted one-by-one, with the rest of the cluster still running while each node is being upgraded.

If rolling upgrades are not possible, the entire cluster should be stopped, then restarted. This is referred to as a full stop upgrade.

Client (application) connections will be dropped when each node stops. Applications need to be prepared to handle this and reconnect.

Rolling Upgrades

Rolling upgrades are possible only between compatible RabbitMQ and Erlang versions.

With RabbitMQ 3.8 or Later Versions

RabbitMQ provides a feature flag subsystem which is responsible for determining if two RabbitMQ nodes of different versions are compatible with respect to a certain feature, important internal implementation detail or behavior.

If they are, then two nodes with different versions can run side-by-side in the same cluster: this allows a rolling upgrade of cluster members without shutting down the cluster entirely.

To learn more, please read the feature flags documentation.

When to Restart Nodes

It is important to let the node being upgraded to fully start and sync all data from its peers before proceeding to upgrade the next one. You can check for that via the management UI. Confirm that:

  • the rabbitmqctl await_startup (or rabbitmqctl wait <pidfile>) command returns
  • the node starts and rejoins its cluster according to the management overview page or rabbitmq-diagnostics cluster_status
  • the node is not quorum-critical for any quorum queues and streams it hosts
  • all classic mirrored queues have synchronised mirrors

During a rolling upgrade, client connection recovery will make sure that connections are rebalanced. Primary queue replicas will migrate to other nodes. In practice this will put more load on the remaining cluster nodes. This can impact performance and stability of the cluster. It's not recommended to perform rolling upgrades under high load.

Nodes can be put into maintenance mode to prepare them for shutdown during rolling upgrades. This is covered below.

After Restarting All Nodes

After performing a rolling upgrade and putting the last node out of maintenance mode, perform the following steps:

  • Enable all feature flags in the cluster using rabbitmqctl enable_feature_flag all
  • Rebalance all queue and stream leader replicas with rabbitmq-queues rebalance all

Enabling all feature flags is very important for future upgrade, which may require all feature flags from certain earlier versions to be enabled.

Rebalancing of queue and stream leader replicas helps spread the load across all cluster nodes.

Grow-then-Shrink Upgrades


This strategy involves node identity changes and replica transfers to the newly added nodes.

With quorum queues and streams that have large data sets, this means that the cluster will experience substantial network traffic volume and disk I/O spikes that a rolling in-place upgrade would not.

Consider using in-place upgrades or Blue/Green deployment upgrades instead.


In order to safely perform a grow-then-shrink upgrade, several precautions must be taken

A Grow-then-Shrink upgrade usually involves the following steps. Consider a three node cluster with nodes A, B, and C:

  • Add a new node, node D, to the cluster
  • Place a new replica of every quorum queue and every stream to the new node using commands such as rabbitmq-queues grow
  • Check that the cluster is in a good state: no alarms are in effect, no ongoing queue or stream replica sync operations and the system is otherwise under a reasonable load
  • Remove node A from the cluster using rabbitmqctl forget_cluster_node
  • Add a new node, node E, to the cluster
  • Place a new replica of every quorum queue and every stream to the new node using commands such as rabbitmq-queues grow
  • Check that the cluster is in a good state
  • Remove node B from the cluster using rabbitmqctl forget_cluster_node
  • and so on

This approach may seem like one that strikes a good balance between the relative simplicity of in-place upgrades and the safety of Blue-Green deployment upgrades. However, in practice this strategy has comparable characteristics to the in-place upgrade option:

  • Newly added nodes may affect the existing cluster state
  • Replicas will migrate between nodes during the upgrade process

In addition, this approach has its own unique potential risks:

  • Node identities change during the upgrade process, which can affect historical monitoring data
  • Nodes must transfer their data sets to the newly added members, which can result in a very substantial increase in network traffic and disk I/O
  • Premature removal of nodes (see below) can lead to a quorum loss for a subset of quorum queues and streams

In order to safely perform a grow-then-shrink upgrade, several precautions must be taken

In order to safely perform a grow-then-shrink upgrade, several precautions must be taken:

  • After a new node is added and a replica extension process is initiated, the process must be given enough time to complete
  • Before a node is removed, a health check must be run to ensure that it is not quorum critical for any queues (or streams): that is, that the removal of the node will not leave any quorum queues or streams without an online majority
  • Nodes must be removed from the cluster explicitly using rabbitmqctl forget_cluster_node

Streams specifically were not designed for environments where replica (node) identity change is frequent, and all replicas can be transferred away and replaced over duration of a single cluster upgrade.

Key Precautions

To determine if a node is quorum critical, use the following health check:

# exits with a non-zero status if shutting down target node would leave some quorum queues
# or streams without an online majority
rabbitmq-diagnostics check_if_node_is_quorum_critical

The following health check must be used to determine if there may be any remaining initial quorum queue replica log transfers:

# exits with a non-zero status if there are any ongoing initial quorum queue
# replica sync operations
rabbitmq-diagnostics check_if_new_quorum_queue_replicas_have_finished_initial_sync

Consider adding and removing a single node at a time

If multiple nodes are added and removed at a time, the health checks must be performed on all of them. Removing multiple nodes at a time is more likely to leave certain quorum queues or streams without an online majority, therefore it is highly recommended to add and remove a single node at a time.

Maintenance Mode

What is Maintenance Mode?

Maintenance mode is a special node operation mode that can be useful during upgrades. The mode is explicitly turned on and off by the operator using a bunch of new CLI commands covered below. For mixed-version cluster compatibility, this feature must be enabled using a feature flag once all cluster members have been upgraded to a version that supports it:

rabbitmqctl enable_feature_flag maintenance_mode_status

Put a Node into Maintenance Mode

To put a node under maintenance, use rabbitmq-upgrade drain:

rabbitmq-upgrade drain

As all other CLI commands, this command can be invoked against an arbitrary node (including remote ones) using the -n switch:

# puts node rabbit@node2.cluster.rabbitmq.svc into maintenance mode
rabbitmq-upgrade drain -n rabbit@node2.cluster.rabbitmq.svc

When a node is in maintenance mode, it will not be available for serving client traffic and will try to transfer as many of its responsibilities as practically possible and safe.

Currently this involves the following steps:

  • Suspend all client connection listeners (no new client connections will be accepted)
  • Close all existing client connections: applications are expected to reconnect to other nodes and recover
  • Transfer primary replicas of all quorum queues hosted on the target node, and prevent them from participating in the subsequently triggered Raft elections
  • Mark the node as down for maintenance
  • At this point, a node shutdown will be least disruptive as the node has already transferred most of its responsibilities

A node in maintenance mode will not be considered for new primary queue replica placement, regardless of queue type and the queue leader locator policy used.

This feature is expected to evolve based on the feedback from RabbitMQ operators, users, and RabbitMQ core team's own experience with it.

A node in maintenance mode is expected to be shut down, upgraded or reconfigured, and restarted in a short time window (say, 5-30 minutes). Nodes are not expected to be running in this mode permanently or for long periods of time.

Revive a Node from Maintenance Mode


The command described below exists to roll back (to the extent possible) the effects of the drain one mentioned above.

It is not necessary to run it after a node restart because a restarted node will reset its maintenance mode state.

A node in maintenance mode can be revived, that is, brought back into its regular operational state, using rabbitmq-upgrade revive:

rabbitmq-upgrade revive

The command exists to roll back (to the extent possible) the effects of the drain one.

It is not necessary to run it after a node restart because a restarted node will reset its maintenance mode state.

As all other CLI commands, this command can be invoked against an arbitrary node (including remote ones) using the -n switch:

# revives node rabbit@node2.cluster.rabbitmq.svc from maintenance
rabbitmq-upgrade revive -n rabbit@node2.cluster.rabbitmq.svc

When a node is revived or restarted (e.g. after an upgrade), it will again accept client connections and be considered for primary queue replica placements.

It will not recover previous client connections as RabbitMQ never initiates connections to clients, but clients will be able to reconnect to it.

Verify Maintenance Status of a Node

If the maintenance mode status feature flag is enabled, node maintenance status will be reported in rabbitmq-diagnostics status and rabbitmq-diagnostics cluster_status.

Here's an example rabbitmq-diagnostics status output of a node under maintenance:

Status of node rabbit@hostname ...

OS PID: 25531
OS: macOS
Uptime (seconds): 48540
Is under maintenance?: true

# ...

Compare this to this example output from a node in regular operating mode:

Status of node rabbit@hostname ...

OS PID: 25531
OS: macOS
Uptime (seconds): 48540
Is under maintenance?: false

# ...

Full-Stop Upgrades

When an entire cluster is stopped for upgrade, the order in which nodes are stopped and started is important.

RabbitMQ will automatically update its data directory if necessary when upgrading between major or minor versions. In a cluster, this task is performed by the first disc node to be started (the "upgrader" node).

When upgrading a RabbitMQ cluster using the "full stop" method, a node with stable durable storage must start first.

During an upgrade, the last disc node to go down must be the first node to be brought online. Otherwise the started node will emit an error message and fail to start up. Unlike an ordinary cluster restart, upgrading nodes will not wait for the last disc node to come back online.

While not strictly necessary, it is a good idea to decide ahead of time which disc node will be the upgrader, stop that node last, and start it first. Otherwise changes to the cluster configuration that were made between the upgrader node stopping and the last node stopping will be lost.

Understand What the Most Recent Release Is

See Release Information to find out what the most recent available version is.

Upgrading to the oldest series is highly recommended.

Carefully Read the Release Notes Up to the Selected RabbitMQ Version

The release notes may indicate specific additional upgrade steps. Always consult with the release notes of all versions between the one currently deployed and the target one.

Enable Required Feature Flags Before Attempting the Upgrade

Some versions, such as 3.11 and 3.12, require some or all previously existing feature flags to be enabled before the upgrade. If all feature flags were enabled after the previous upgrade, this should already be the case. However, it's better to verify the state of feature flags with

rabbitmqctl list_feature_flags --formatter=pretty_table

and enable all feature flags with

rabbitmqctl enable_feature_flag all

Repeat these steps at the end of the upgrade process to fully take advantage of the new features and be prepared for the next upgrade in the future.

Check Currently Used RabbitMQ Version

Some upgrade paths, e.g. from 3.10.x to 3.13.x, will require an intermediate upgrade or even multiple intermediate upgrades.

See the RabbitMQ Version Upgradability section above.

Check Erlang Version Requirements

Check if the current Erlang version is supported by the new RabbitMQ version. See the Erlang Version Requirements guide. If not, Erlang should be upgraded together with RabbitMQ.

It's generally recommended to upgrade to the latest Erlang version supported to get all the latest bugfixes.

Make Sure All Package Dependencies (including Erlang) are Available.

If you are using Debian or RPM packages, you must ensure that all dependencies are available. In particular, the correct version of Erlang. You may have to setup additional third-party package repositories to achieve that.

Please read recommendations for Debian-based and RPM-based distributions to find the appropriate repositories for Erlang.

If running RabbitMQ in a cluster, select the cluster upgrade strategy.

It can be possible to do a rolling upgrade, if Erlang version and RabbitMQ version changes support it.

See the Upgrading Multiple Nodes section above.

Assess Cluster Health

Make sure nodes are healthy and there are no network partition or disk or memory alarms in effect.

RabbitMQ management UI, CLI tools or HTTP API can be used for assessing the health of the system.

The overview page in the management UI displays effective RabbitMQ and Erlang versions, multiple cluster-wide metrics and rates. From this page ensure that all nodes are running and they are all "green" (w.r.t. file descriptors, memory, disk space, and so on).

We recommend recording the number of durable queues, the number of messages they hold and other pieces of information about the topology that are relevant. This data will help verify that the system operates within reasonable parameters after the upgrade.

Use node health checks to vet individual nodes.

Queues in flow state or blocked/blocking connections might be ok, depending on your workload. It's up to you to determine if this is a normal situation or if the cluster is under unexpected load and thus, decide if it's safe to continue with the upgrade.

However, if there are queues in an undefined state (a.k.a. NaN or "ghost" queues), you should first start by understanding what is wrong before starting an upgrade.

Ensure Cluster Has the Capacity for Upgrading

The upgrade process can require additional resources. Make sure there are enough resources available to proceed, in particular free memory and free disk space.

It's recommended to have at least half of the system memory free before the upgrade. Default memory watermark is 0.4 so it should be ok, but you should still double-check. Starting with RabbitMQ 3.6.11 the way nodes calculate their total RAM consumption has changed.

When upgrading from an earlier version, it is required that the node has enough free disk space to fit at least a full copy of the node data directory. Nodes create backups before proceeding to upgrade their database. If disk space is depleted, the node will abort upgrading and may fail to start until the data directory is restored from the backup.

For example, if you have 10 GiB of free system memory and the Erlang process (i.e. beam.smp) memory footprint is around 6 GiB, then it can be unsafe to proceed. Likewise w.r.t. disk if you have 10 GiB of free space and the data directory (e.g. /var/lib/rabbitmq) takes 10 GiB.

When upgrading a cluster using the rolling upgrade strategy, be aware that queues and connections can migrate to other nodes during the upgrade.

If queues are mirrored to a subset of the cluster only (as opposed to all nodes), new mirrors will be created on running nodes when the to-be-upgraded node shuts down. If clients support connections recovery and can connect to different nodes, they will reconnect to the nodes that are still running. If clients are configured to create exclusive queues, these queues might be recreated on different nodes after client reconnection.

To handle such migrations, make sure you have enough spare resources on the remaining nodes so they can handle the extra load. Depending on the load balancing strategy all the connections from the stopped node can go to a single node, so it should be able to handle up to twice as many. It's generally a good practice to run a cluster with N+1 redundancy (resource-wise), so you always have a capacity to handle a single node being down.

Take a Backup

It's always good to have a backup before upgrading. See backup guide for instructions.

To make a proper backup, you may need to stop the entire cluster. Depending on your use case, you may make the backup while the cluster is stopped for the upgrade.

Perform the Upgrade

It's recommended to upgrade Erlang version together with RabbitMQ, because both actions require restart and recent RabbitMQ work better with recent Erlang.

Depending on cluster configuration, you can use either single node upgrade, rolling upgrade or full-stop upgrade strategy.

Verify that the Upgrade Has Succeeded

Like you did before the upgrade, verify the health and monitoring data to make sure all cluster nodes are in good shape and the service is running again.

Enable New Feature Flags

If the new version provides new feature flags, you should now enable them if you upgraded all nodes and you are sure you do not want to rollback. See the feature flags guide.


There are some minor things to consider during upgrade process when stopping and restarting nodes.

Known Erlang OTP Bugs that Can Affect Upgrades

There are currently no known bugs in the supported Erlang series that can affect upgrades.

Quorum Queues

Quorum queues depend on a quorum of nodes to be online for any queue operations to succeed. This includes successful new leader election should a cluster node that hosts some leaders shut down.

In the context of rolling upgrades, this means that a quorum of nodes must be present at all times during an upgrade. If this is not the case, quorum queues will become unavailable and will be not able to satisfy their data safety guarantees.

Latest RabbitMQ releases provide a health check command that would fail should any quorum queues on the target node lose their quorum in case the node was to be shut down:

# Exits with a non-zero code if one or more quorum queues will lose online quorum
# should target node be shut down
rabbitmq-diagnostics check_if_node_is_quorum_critical

For example, consider a three node cluster with nodes A, B, and C. If node B is currently down and there are quorum queues having their leader replica on node A, this check will fail if executed against node A. When node B comes back online, the same check would succeed because the quorum queues with leader on node A would have a quorum of replicas online.

Quorum queue quorum state can be verified by listing queues in the management UI or using rabbitmq-queues:

rabbitmq-queues -n rabbit@to-be-stopped quorum_status <queue name>

Mirrored Queues Replica Synchronisation


This section covers a feature that had been deprecated since 2021 and was removed completely for the next major series, RabbitMQ 4.x.


Quorum queues and/or streams should be used instead of mirrored classic queues. Non-replicated classic queues continue being supported and developed.

In environments that use classic mirrored queues (a deprecated feature removal for RabbitMQ 4.0), it is important to make sure that all mirrored queues on a node have a synchronised follower replica (mirror) before stopping that node.

RabbitMQ will not promote unsynchronised queue mirrors on controlled queue leader shutdown when default promotion settings are used. However if a queue leader encounters any errors during shutdown, an unsynchronised queue mirror might still be promoted. It is generally safer option to synchronise all classic mirrored queues with replicas on a node before shutting the node down.

RabbitMQ 3.13.x series provides a health check command that would fail should any classic mirrored queues on the target node have no synchronised mirrors:

## IMPORTANT: classic queue mirroring, together with this health checks, were REMOVED for RabbitMQ 4.0.
# Exits with a non-zero code if target node hosts leader replica of at least one queue
# that has out-of-sync mirror.
rabbitmq-diagnostics check_if_node_is_mirror_sync_critical

For example, consider a three node cluster with nodes A, B, and C. If there are classic mirrored queues with the only synchronised replica on node A (the leader), this check will fail if executed against node A. When one of other replicas is re-synchronised, the same check would succeed because there would be at least one replica suitable for promotion.

Classic mirrored queue replica state can be verified by listing queues in the management UI or using rabbitmqctl:

# For queues with non-empty `mirror_pids`, you must have at least one
# `synchronised_mirror_pids`.
# Note that mirror_pids is a new field alias introduced in RabbitMQ 3.11.4
rabbitmqctl -n rabbit@to-be-stopped list_queues --local name mirror_pids synchronised_mirror_pids

If there are unsynchronised queues, either enable automatic synchronisation or trigger it using rabbitmqctl manually.

RabbitMQ shutdown process will not wait for queues to be synchronised if a synchronisation operation is in progress.

Mirrored queue leaders rebalancing

Some upgrade scenarios can cause mirrored queue leaders to be unevenly distributed between nodes in a cluster. This will put more load on the nodes with more queue leaders. For example a full-stop upgrade will make all queue leaders migrate to the "upgrader" node - the one stopped last and started first. A rolling upgrade of three nodes with two mirrors will also cause all queue leaders to be on the same node.

You can move a queue leader for a queue using a temporary policy with ha-mode: nodes and ha-params: [<node>] The policy can be created via management UI or rabbitmqctl command:

rabbitmqctl set_policy --apply-to queues --priority 100 move-my-queue '^<queue>$;' '{"ha-mode":"nodes", "ha-params":["<new-leader-node>"]}'
rabbitmqctl clear_policy move-my-queue

A queue leader rebalancing script is available. It rebalances queue leaders for all queues.

The script has certain assumptions (e.g. the default node name) and can fail to run on some installations. The script should be considered experimental. Run it in a non-production environment first.

A queue leader rebalance command is available. It rebalances queue leaders for all queues, or those that match the given name pattern. queue leaders for mirrored queues and leaders for quorum queues are also rebalanced in the post-upgrade command.

There is also a third-party plugin that rebalances queue leaders. The plugin has some additional configuration and reporting tools, but is not supported or verified by the RabbitMQ team. Use at your own risk.

Handling Node Restarts in Applications

In order to reduce or eliminate the downtime, applications (both producers and consumers) should be able to cope with a server-initiated connection close. Some client libraries offer automatic connection recovery to help with this:

In most client libraries there is a way to react to a connection closure, for example:

The recovery procedure for many applications follows the same steps:

  1. Reconnect
  2. Re-open channels
  3. Restore channel settings (e.g. the basic.qos setting, publisher confirms)
  4. Recover topology

Topology recovery includes the following actions, performed for every channel:

  1. Re-declare exchanges declared by the application
  2. Re-declare queues
  3. Recover bindings (both queue and exchange-to-exchange ones)
  4. Recover consumers

This algorithm covers the majority of use cases and is what the aforementioned automatic recovery feature implements.

During a rolling upgrade when a node is stopped, clients connected to this node will be disconnected using a server-sent connection.close method and should reconnect to a different node. This can be achieved by using a load balancer or proxy in front of the cluster or by specifying multiple server hosts if client library supports this feature.

Many client libraries libraries support host lists, for example:


If the value of the environment variable COMPUTERNAME does not equal HOSTNAME (upper vs lower case, or other differences) please see the Windows Configuration guide for instructions on how to upgrade RabbitMQ.